Saturday, March 21, 2009

Breakfast at Our House

Since I have recently posted (and received comments about) the kids breakfasts on facebook, I thought I would expound on my breakfast philosophy and just what we (well mostly the kids) eat.

I think that anything that is not totally junk food is fine. I always compare the nutritional value to a bowl of semi-sweet cereal....if it's more nutritious, I'm cool.

So here is what my kids like to eat:

Nachos (with little bits of jalapeno)
Bagels (with butter or butter and jelly, depending on the type of bagel)
Left over chili or taco meat
Yoplait Lime Yogurt
Occasionally ramen noodle soup
Cheese (only Rembrandt gouda from Marion Street Cheese Market of course)
Whole Foods instant cinnamon spice oatmeal, or maybe, in an extreme pinch, apple.
Peanut butter and jelly on little crackers (Whole Foods Bite Size Stoneground wheat only)
Any kind of fruit (except bananas and mangoes)
Occasionally toast with peanut butter

Left over pasta
Bagels with cream cheese
Left over pizza
Pirate booty
Oatmeal, if served with brown sugar and half and half (what can I say?)
Saltine crackers
Cheese (more variety than her sister I will say)
Plain pasta with olive oil and/or parmesan
French Toast
Pancakes, whenever she can get me to make them.
Most any fruit.

Me? I will pick on any of the above. My favorites are oatmeal, muesli, yogurt and bananas.

Someday I will post about the true insanity of G's lunches. They are really wacky. They make breakfast look pretty tame.

1 comment:

Trina aka Doll said...

Oh, I almost forgot: G likes certain chicken and vegetable spring rolls and dumplings, and also spinach and feta appetizer things....she always eats only the insides though.