Sunday, December 6, 2009

Rolling to a Complete Stop

Last Thursday we practiced leaning: two skaters leaning in toward each other each pushing in with their shoulders and upper arms and out with their feet. If both push hard enough you can come to a complete stop. I feel like I am leaning leaning leaning, and slowing waaaaaaaay down.

Last night was A's 8th birthday slumber party: 4 guests, plus my two girls. Crafts, pizza, movie, cake and lots of trying to not go to sleep. I was amazed by the lack of drama, tears, yelling, etc. It went very smoothly. A started the night off when they were making cards, by announcing that each girl would pick a name and make a card for that girl, and hide it under her pillow. Totally her idea, and I thought it was great. They were a little loud but I did sleep (and so did they eventually).

But I am completely, totally and utterly zonked today. So I'm thinking it's more than the party itself. Maybe the run up to it (which really wasn't that much), plus the overriding feeling of needing to get ready for Christmas. I haven't decorated the house yet and we haven't gotten a tree yet, and I'm having trouble finding the energy to do any of it. Blah, I say, blah. Maybe I can find the Christmas spirit somewhere. Maybe it's in a closet. I'll have to go look. Later.

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