Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 (Part 2): Focus on What's Important

What's Important for Me to Focus on in 2010:

* My health, physical, emotional, and mental. That means stress reduction, exercise, smart choices. Guilt free taking care of myself.

* Speaking up. It may come out in my obtuse diplomatic way, but it will come out. I will then work on being more direct (I have many people to learn from in this regard!).

* Balance. Allowing myself to create a balance of work, kids, family, friends, me, that works for me and my family. I always seem to have more to do than I have energy for or that I realistically can. Boundaries are hard.

* Being kind to myself (and others). The "myself" part of this is much harder than being kind to others, but is equally as important.

* Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. This will help with all of the above.

Hm, notice any trends? Yeah me too. So off I go into 2010. Looking forward to work (Derby Lite), health, and joy (coming from balance and kindness). I'm excited about this year. I'll let you know how it works out.

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