Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Excellent Day

Today was a good day. I have enjoyed slow(er) Sundays the last two weeks as the rest of the week has seemed toooooo busy. Yesterday was two soccer games, a swim class and a block party. When G said she wanted to go home at 7:30, I was right there, and happy for a quiet hour at home.

Today I got up early and read my usual sections of the New York Times . Had coffee, took a shower and went to breakfast with two old friends - previous neighbors. One still lives nearby and we drove together, and the other moved at 25 miles west, so now we meet in the middle at a diner and have Sunday breakfasts periodically. It was really good to see them and to talk, and I ended up thinking "thank goodness for girlfriends". And we all decided more frequent Sunday breakfasts are in order.

Then the two of us local gals hit up Costco (I go there twice a year to stock up on a couple things and it's less overwhelming when I'm not in a hurry and not by myself). And I came home to an empty house. (Ken Doll took the little Dolls to the Field Museum.....yeay!). And I went skating. We had a fun filled practice. Even 10 minutes in hell was only hellish. We did several relay races which are always fun. I STILL can only do a turn stop in slow motion, but my plow stop turn is better so despite my goofy fall I wasn't as spastic at the relays as I have been in the past. Progress is slow, but it IS progress. And mostly it was FUN. And the newbie Derby Liters did a great job.

I came home again, but this time to a full but quiet house. Girls will be kicked off the tv shortly, dinner (frozen leftover enchiladas - awesome) is in the oven. And I'm drinking a Sierra Nevada. An excellent day, indeed.

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