Monday, October 5, 2009

Moms just wanna have fun!

I have much more fun than I did a few years ago. I think that's good. I spent the weekend with my oldest friend. We primped, we ate, we shopped, we slept late, we drank wine, and we laughed! It was, in fact, fun. And relaxing.

These days, I go more places, I do more things. Not to mention having more friends and spending more time with them. As a mom, wife, chief cook and bottle-washer it can be hard to prioritize fun. But as a queenly woman I know says "if mama isn't happy, nobody's happy". And I think it's so true. We do have many responsibilities in our day to day life. Doing things we love, and being with people who make us laugh, help us deal with the difficulties inherent in all those responsibilities. And let's face it, although those responsibilities can be extremely overwhelming at times, kids grow up fast. And before you know it, that 4 year old who hates it when you leave the house, is going to be a 12 year old who has a very full social life. When they are grown up, who do you want to be? I want to be someone with friends, interests, meaningful work, and someone who still remembers how to have fun.

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