Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

How was it different than past years?

* I did most of the shopping online: Amazon, Garnet Hill (killer deal on thick cotton fleece throws), American Girl, etc.
* I waited to wrap until the morning of the 22nd and then did it all in the back of the basement. I am so much more productive in the morning. Trying to wait until kids were in bed to wrap was not working for me.
* I went back to sleep after the present opening on Christmas morning. I think I was woken up at least 4 times by children and was exhausted. I didn't make Christmas breakfast.

How was it the same?
* I was worried I wouldn't get packages mailed, cards addressed and in the mail, gifts wrapped, groceries bought in time for Christmas. I did.
* The girls were very excited. And bored by 2pm (I almost lost it, like usual too).
* I totally crashed the day after Christmas.

I'm not quite ready to get the bins out of the garage to take down the tree, but I'm getting there. And then it's just 358 days until we do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love our Christmas now with it just being Mike and I (and the dogs)...I am a little fearful of becoming a parent for this one day of the year. I will definitely have to call on you for help because I think we have the same patience tolerance. :)